Music influences everyone. It can inspire you, help you grieve, encourage you to consume, bring people together, or push you to extremes.
This podcast explores that idea deeply through the lens of neuroscience. It’s hosted by neuroscientist and opera singer Indre Viskontas whose weekly science podcast Inquiring Minds has been downloaded more than 14 million times. Cadence is generously sponsored by the Germanacos Foundation.

Season 1: Music and the mind
In Season 1 we explore the fundamentals of how music affects your mind—and vice versa. We explain things like what music is, how we find meaning in music, how our brains perceive time in the first place, and why you like the kind of music that you like.
Season 2: Music as medicine
In Season 2 we explore the idea of music as medicine. Whether it’s using music to help those with Parkinson’s Disease move more easily or using it to re-wire your brain, Season 2 tells the stories of people whose lives have been changed through music.
Season 3: The influence of music
In season 3 we explore the ways in which music can influence you. It can shape your emotions and motivate you to act, make you comfortable or uncomfortable. It can make you feel heard and powerful, or it can make you feel ignored.
Season 4: Using music to be heard
In Season 4, we’re telling the stories of people who are often ignored or outright silenced in our society, and who find ways to be heard and to reclaim our attention through music. We’re also including a 4-part mini-series illustrating how music therapy works, with the legendary pioneering neurologic music therapist, Dr. Connie Tomaino.